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maandag 15 december 2008

zangers schrijven!

OMG! Een tijdje geleden postte ik op YouTube een tamelijke beladen commentaar op Alpha Big Mamma’s The Black Girl’s in Trouble.  Vandaag kreeg ik onverwachts antwoord, van de grootman hemzelfve. Isn't that fantastigo, amigo? Nu snel beladen commentaren schrijven op Prince en Lenny... 

 Thank you so much for your comments on "the black girls in trouble". Its magic when you write something that touches the listener. I just did a remix with Anthony Hamilton to the song. We all have been brain washed over the years but it's time to wake up. My grandmother was a dark skinned black woman and she was beautiful. Also I found that the most incredible erotic experience I ever had was with black girl.


At the end of the day the song is not just about black women. I just used the struggle of the black woman to express my point because I started to realize in music videos how the darker skinned black woman wasnt getting any love. I was like "why?" She is just as special and fine as any other woman.


The true meaning of the song is to not let society decide what is considered beautiful. God gave us all different features that represent our heritage. Each ethnic group has signature features that shouldnt be considered ugly or compared to another. They just define who we are and where we came from. I love all women. I love the nose on a Jewish girl, the black girl's kissable full lips, the color of a white girl's eyes, an asian woman's long black hair, the sex drive of a latino woman, the booty on a black girl. We should celebrate all our features because they make each of us different and special. Thanks again. Please come and experience more of my music at


Take care and stay close

Anthony Hamilton is een goede NuSoulzanger die een van m'n favoriete nummers heeft geschreven namelijk

Anthony en Alpha... Wat voor moois zullen we in de toekomst te horen krijgen ...

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